The voice of ''Nukadoko''
installation , performance
mixed media
ひんやりなめらかな触感に心地よさを感じるとともに手が糠の延長として溶け込む。表面をまた平にならす。私もこの野菜のように土に埋められてまた何もな かったかのようになるのだろうか。ぬか漬けを生み出した2000年前の人は微生物という目に見えない存在なんて知る由もなく魔法でファンタジーに等しかっ ただろう。 地球という一つの生命に我々は埋葬されることで溶け込んでゆく。死が生に繋がる。死後という目には見えないものは非現実に感じるけれど科学的に説得力が あるものに感じた。
私が発芽から育て上げた花を鑑賞者に硝子壺に植え替えてもらう。対話と触感を通じあの日の私の擬似体験を促す。壺には米糠が肥料として混ぜ込まれている が鑑賞者はそれを知らない。
The hands merge into the NUKADOKO. They flatten the surface again. Will I be buried in the ground like this vegetable as if nothing happened? For the people who created Nukazuke 2000 years ago, it was magical and fantastic because they did not know the existence of microorganisms. We mix with life, the earth, when we are. Death leads to life. What is invisible after death seems unrealistic, but scientifically convincing.
The feeling I got when I dug the vegetables into the bran soil that day, was a positive feeling. I felt like I was seeing the essence of the funeral.
Ask the audience to replant germinated flowers in a glass jar. Encourage people to relive my experience through dialogue and tactile sensation. The rice bran is mixed into the pot as fertilizer, but the viewer does not know this. This is the way of “NUKA-DOKO”
※NUKA-DOKO(Nuka-zuké) = It is a traditional Japanese food culture.
Later I went to a cemetery somewhere in Japan, and I placed replanted flowers on all the tombstones, thus making the whole cemetery bloom.